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The Millennial Keto Couple

We are Nic and Lindsay, a young couple living in Santa Fe, NM with our two little pups, Rosie and Roxie. We love the outdoors and get the most out of living in the southern Rockies by hiking, biking, skiing and being outside every weekend. We are also major foodies and fitness fanatics. We discovered the ketogenic diet in late 2017 and have never looked back since! Health, fitness, and nutrition have always been a major aspect of both our lives, and the keto diet was truly a life-changing paradigm shift for us.


Nic's interest in health and exercise has been lifelong. Fooled by the conventional diet of high grains, low fat, and tons of exercise (as pushed by doctors, his college nutrition classes, and the media), Nic used to believe this was the way to health. Nic’s fitness history includes competing sprint and Olympic triathlons, track and field, and now, more recently, weightlifting and Crossfit.  During his competitive years in college, although relatively healthy, Nic did have slightly elevated fasting blood sugar levels, slightly elevated blood pressure, and some mental fog issues. He first discovered the ketogenic diet as a way to lose weight, have better mental clarity, and improve athletic performance. Now, with the keto diet, Nic is slimmer but more muscular than he has ever been, has great mental clarity throughout the day, and is in the best physical condition of his life. He is squatting, deadlifting, and lifting more weight than he ever has.


Lindsay was slower to convince to give the ketogenic diet a go. After a history of unsuccessful diets failing her and her body, she was ready to give up and accept that she was going to be sick the rest of her life. Lindsay has had a life-long struggle with digestive problems and was diagnosed with IBS and lactose-intolerance. She was getting sick about 4-5 days per week and had difficulty gaining weight. She also suffered from afternoon lethargy and super groggy mornings. After she started the ketogenic diet, her change has been like night and day! Not only does she have great energy levels throughout the day and wakes with energy, but her digestive issues and pains have drastically reduced. Lindsay no longer has a constant swollen and upset stomach, and the pain and embarrassment of always being one minute from a major digestive meltdown is gone. Lindsay no longer has to stick to a strict eating timeline throughout the day, and can miss several hours without eating and without getting hungry or the “hangries” which she used to be famous for. This may sound over exaggerated, but for the first time in her life, she feels like she is in control of her body and liberated, not stifled, by her eating.


With our new-found energy and health-optimizing diet, we now feel empowered to do more than ever before. We summit mountains on weekends, have consistent weekly workout routines that we can stick to, excel at our full-time jobs, and even completed the Santa Fe Half-Century (50 mile) bike race on our tandem bicycle, which weighs a ton. Our wellness and wellbeing have improved so much because of our ketogenic lifestyle that we have decided that our calling is to help others discover keto. Whether you are trying to fix an underlying health issue or are just looking to optimize your body composition and athletic performance, we are here to help every step of the way. Our mission is to get the nation back on a healthy, happy track, in which everyone feels great and can focus on the things they want without worrying about their health and longevity. We believe that if the essentials are taken care of, everyone is capable of accomplishing great things and deserves to feel their best. We look forward to working with you and can’t wait for you to start your ketogenic journey. Join the bandwagon to gastrointestinal greatness today!


We have become certified Ketogenic Living Health Coaches, accredited by both NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and AFAA (Athletics and Fitness Association of America) to better serve you on your ketogenic journey!

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