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Myths of Keto

10 Keto Fact vs Fiction

1. Keto is only good for weight loss. 

Keto is excellent for weight loss. In addition, some of the benefits of the ketogenic diet include hormone regulation, blood sugar normalization, improved cognitive functioning, improved digestive health, reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and so much more.


2. It is a meat-based diet. 

Nope. The ketogenic diet is mostly comprised of health fats (75% of calorie intake), and only 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. Fats by far are the largest portion of the diet, and include coconut products, avocados, nuts and seeds, oils, and animal products. For those who choose to opt-out of a meat-based diet, it is possible to follow a ketogenic diet and be vegetarian. 


3. It is bad for thyroid and adrenal function. 

The ketogenic diet can actually benefit thyroid and adrenal function because it significantly lowers inflammation and improves mitochondrial function. For those with a pre-existing thyroid or adrenal gland problem, cyclical keto may help. 


4. It is restrictive and hard to follow long-term. 

The ketogenic diet can be restrictive if you are used to eating mostly processed foods like pastas, breads, and packaged meals or snacks. If you follow a whole foods diets or a paleo diet, adjusting to the ketogenic diet can be easy with a few tweaks and monitoring to begin the diet. 


5. Carbs are an essential part of a healthy diet. 

There are essential proteins, essential fatty acids, but there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. Yes, parts of the body need glucose to function; however, the body can actually produce the glucose it needs from glycogen stores, protein, and even triglycerides. 


6. Fats and Cholesterol are fattening and cause heart disease. 

This is perhaps the biggest myth in all of nutrition history. Natural, healthy fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. Cholesterol is healthy, and you should strive for high HDL, high large particle LDL, and a small amount of low, dense LDL particles. Triglycerides are the link to heart disease. In most cases, the ketogenic diet help raise HDL and lower triglycerides. 


7. You can't exercise on the ketogenic diet. 

While your body is transitioning into ketosis, you may experience less energy but this is temporary. After you are fat-adapted, you will actually have a drastic increase in energy and may start to see physical performance improvements. Some of the world's best athletes follow a ketogenic lifestyle. 


8. You will lose muscle mass. 

Nope. As long as you are eating adequate protein, you will not lose muscle mass. In fact, combining the ketogenic diet with strength training can lead to an increase in muscle mass and strength


9. You should only stay on the ketogenic diet for short periods of time. 

There is no evidence that stay in ketosis long-term is harmful at all. There are many people who have spent many years in ketosis and continue to have excellent health markers


10. You can't drink alcohol on the ketogenic diet. 

Many red wines, hard liquors, and low-carb beers are actually fine on the ketogenic diet. Just make sure you consume alcohol in moderation and with a healthy meal. Some report anecdotal evidence of feeling the effects of alcohol sooner while in ketosis. You will need to avoid sugary or high-carb mixed drinks to remain in ketosis. 


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