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Getting Fit! (Or at least trying to)

Welcome back amigos!

I have decided that a portion of the "Fitness" section is going to be devoted to me tracking and sharing what I do every single day this year to get more fit. I have gotten a slightly late start to the year, as we were out of town for the New Year. That being said, I am back home and ready to get down to business!

Now one last thing to attend to before I get started. I want to make it clear that I am NOT a fitness professional. I have worked out recreation-ally and on recreational sports teams on and off since high school, but I am not a professional. I am simply a regular guy who wants to get in better shape and share his journey with anyone who wants to also make improvements to their life. Now lets get to it!

I kicked off this morning with the following exercises first thing after waking up:

5 reps of each exercise for a total of 2 sets

1. Kettlebell Clean & Press

2. Kettlebell One Armed Swing (Both Sides)

3. Kettlebell Goblet Squat

4. Kettlebell Deadlift

5. Burpees

6. Bicycle Crunches (20 on each side)

7. Kettlebell Weighted Sit Ups

I then did 5 reps of each exercise below for a total of 2 sets:

1. Pull-Ups

2. Split Squat Jump

3. One Legged Squats (each side)

4. Dive Bomb Push Ups

For my pull-ups I use the pull-up bar below:

It latches into the doorway and works like a dream! I used the ones that sat on top of the door frame before, but I had that fall off while using it a couple of times. This pull-up bar hasn't failed me yet!

That's it for the AM workout! I used a 30 pound kettlebell for everything. I know that is not much weight, but I haven't been exercising and I want to start nice and easy so I don't injure myself. Also, first thing in the morning I am not properly warmed up and don't want to do anything too strenuous. It took me about 15 minutes to do all of the workout. Next time I will time myself to get accurate results.

Also got in a PM workout today! (This is pretty rare.) I am trying this workout from Men's Fitness: The New Year Total Body Reconstruction Plan.

Basically, I obliterated my chest and back today. I hope I can scratch my own back tomorrow. Let me know in the comments what you think about this work out plan!

Happy workouts,


The Millennial Methods Fam

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