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Get Outside in 2017!

Roxie on Sun Mountain

Oh, the great outdoors!

So much endless exploration and opportunities to be discovered simply by being outside. The known health benefits of being outside are numerous and increasing every day. Some of them include the following:

  • Vitamin D from sunlight

  • Fresh, clean air

  • Physical activity

  • Mental Health boost

For us, being outside on the weekends is a great way to reset and recharge for the week ahead. Sitting at a desk all day can be soul crushing, but by escaping outside at least once a week, we are recharged enough to keep powering through.

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, we are lucky to have mountains practically in our backyard! There are opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, skiing, trail running, etc. We try to get outside at least every weekend and take our dogs for a little hike with us! Scheduling outdoors time for at least 1 hour out of every week is the only way to go! By having it scheduled, it is non-negotiable and actually is sure to happen! Every once and awhile something comes up and we miss out on our outdoor time, but as much as possible we always try to get outside at least once a week!

To see some of our outdoor adventures, be sure to check out our blog of our two mountain dogs, Roxie and Rosie:

Until Next Time,


The Millennial Methods Family

Image above: Roxie on Sun Mountain, Santa Fe, NM, January 2016, photo taken by Lindsay Archuleta

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