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Travel Like a Millennial

Edinburgh, Scotland

Travel 101

"Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world." -Gustave Flaubert

Traveling can help open up your eyes and your heart. You discover and experience new ways of existence previously unknown to you. It can help make you a more understanding and compassionate person. Travel can also just be a nice reset if you are stuck in a funk or need to escape for awhile. Not to mention it is just plain fun!

We try to travel as much as possible simply because we enjoy it. We take short road trips, vacations with family, and visit interesting sights/locations nearby. We have also saved up and used credit card points to travel abroad. It can be difficult to pay for a big international trip, but doing it at least once a year can be a wonderful experience to share with someone you love. It is said that experiences are a more worthwhile expense than material goods, and we would tend to agree with that! I asked our puppies and they concur as well.

In this section, we want to share some of our travel experiences with you and some tips and products that have helped us out along the way. Please share your experiences with us in the commens below as well! We look forward to hearing from you!

Yours Truly,


The Millennial Methods Family

Image above: Calton Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2016, photo taken by Lindsay Archuleta

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