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A Winter Wonderland Hike

This past holiday weekend, Northern New Mexico got hit with another snow storm! We took advantage of the new snow on Sunday, and headed up to Sun Mountain for a winter wonderland hike. It snowed the entire time we hiked, adding to the enchanted feeling of the winter scene and forest.

Sun Mountain is a great regular hike for local Santa Feans. It is easy to get to, only around 5 miles roundtrip, and roughly 700 feet in vertical elevation gain; but in the end, you get to stand on top of a small foothill and admire 360 degree views from the top! Today, the fog from the snow was too thick to see beyond the trees, but the winter forest was spectacular!

Back in 2010, Sun Mountain was saved by a citizen's movement to purchase and protect 22 acres along the foothills (including the iconic Sun Mountain) through the Trust from Public Land. The City of Santa Fe then completed the trailhead amenities, and many volunteers and the Trails Alliance of Santa Fe worked to define the path and open the trail to the general public. It is thanks to everyone's hard work and dedication that we are able to enjoy the trail and Sun Mountain today!

Our little Frenchie, Rosie, having such short, stubby legs, has always enjoyed this hike as it is only a short sprint to the top. Roxie, being a winter lioness on the trail, loves to sprint past us and explore off the beaten path following the many forest scents.

There is something magical about being in the mountain forest while it is softly snowing. The forest is so quiet and calm. Oh, the magical wonders of wintertime in New Mexico!

Happy trails,


The MM Family

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