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Women's March

Yesterday we made history. Alongside millions of other Americans, we marched for women’s rights. Not only did we witness almost 3 million people marching in our own country, but we saw sister marches organized in numerous countries around the world. What a powerful message we sent the world.

Politics aside, this march was important to empower women and other marginalized groups who feel like their voices have been lost. Marching beside thousands of other Santa Feans yesterday, the energy and positive attitudes from the crowd gave us hope for our future. We marched in support of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, Native American rights, immigrants rights, and in opposition to hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexism, corruption, and climate change denial.

My parents joined us for the march. My mama and I marched in special tribute to my grandma, who battled for women's rights her whole life. Strong mothers raise strong daughters.

I hope that others who participated in the march yesterday came away with the same hopeful feeling that together we are stronger and can make a difference. Through our collective action, we can support racial, social, environmental, and economic justice. What an empowering day!

Together in solidarity,


The MM Family

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