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Music for the Soul & Our First Product

Music is such an incredible gift. It can lift you up when you are down, it can inspire, and it can provide the perfect background ambiance for any occasion. There is almost, almost never a wrong time for some music. I would like to share with you how I incorporate music/audio enjoyment into my day.

Personally, there are specific moments throughout the day when I like to listen to music, audiobooks or podcasts. As part of a morning routine, waking up and then doing some kind of exercise is always my goal. While I exercise, I like to have some pump-up tunes blaring. This always helps it go by faster! Without the music, I can never workout as hard or for as long. Something magical happens when you rock out to your favorite tunes, We Will Rock You station on Pandora, and everything seems just a little bit easier.

After exercise, it is shower time. Why not carry on with the audio journey and listen to some news while you shower. This is a nice, relaxing time to get caught up on yesterday or prepare for the day ahead.

Next up comes cooking breakfast and eating, where I enjoy a nice little classical flair. Cooking is all good and fine, but it is drastically enhanced through the sound of music.

Ah, commuting. What a terrible occasion. To help ease the burden of commuting, I like to do a podcast or audiobook. I use Podbean for my podcasts, and typically like to listen to either The Tim Ferriss Show, TED Radio Hour, or Freakonomics Radio. It is great to learn something new and completely fascinating while watching the pavement move by. Audible is great for audio books, and I am currently listening to the Chronicles of Narnia series.

Lastly, while cooking dinner and eating dinner, a little wind down classical music never hurt anyone. Pandora is a personal favorite, and more specifically, I truly enjoy the Ludovico Einaudi channel. His music is incredibly beautiful and moving.

None of this would be possible without our Millennial Methods HD Water Resistant Bluetooth 3.0 Shower Speaker. The speaker has great sound quality, good volume range, decent bass, strong playtime of 2-3 hours at full volume, is water resistant, and even has a built in microphone so you can answer any important calls you may encounter. This is our first product launch, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Click the picture below to find out more!

Happy Listening,


The MM Family

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