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Keto Day 3

We both slept well last night! Some waking up to pee again, but much better sleep and woke up feeling refreshed and energized. We started the day with the usual coffee/tea mix, along with our supplements. We had a lazy morning of reading and relaxing. Typically, when we sit and read for more than 30 minutes we both get tired and want a nap. However, neither of us felt that way today, which is hopefully a good sign that keto is working for us.

We then had a late breakfast of eggs, avocado, and salsa verde mixed in. It was delicious! Lindsay mashed the avocado with the salsa verde and some salt, and it complemented the eggs perfectly. We each had two eggs. We were both very full after this, but managed to have some of our fiber supplement as well.

We decided to take the dogs for a short hike along Dale Ball trail, which is a little longer than an hour walk, with some gradual rolling hills and nice scenery. We both felt fine throughout the hike and were able to enjoy being outdoors! Really, the weakest link today was Rosie, our floppy-eared Frenchie, who held up the pack! We then hit up the grocery store and headed home.

View towards Santa Fe Valley on the Dale Ball Trail, Santa Fe, NM.

After the hike we did some chores, had refreshed ourselves with some herbal tea with Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil.

For dinner we had a grass-fed ribeye from Whole Foods, cooked in Safflower Oil with Cherry Infused Salt with Tarragon. For veggies, we steamed a cauliflower and mashed it with heavy cream and butter. We also had some power greens with olive oil for a starter. At the end of the day, my nutritional breakdown was about 83% fat, 14% protein, and 3% carbs. The net carbs for the day ended up at 6.8g. Perfect!

All in all, it was a great third day on the keto diet! I think our bodies have completed the flush of fluids for the transition, as both of us were using the bathroom less today and returning to our usual routine. Tomorrow we both head back to work, so hopefully that will go smoothly!

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