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Fat-Fueled Breakfast Egg Casserole

This is one of our new favorite staples for the Keto diet. We make this casserole, changing a few things up here and there, every Sunday night, and portion for our lunches on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It's super filling,delicious, and full of great fats for your day!


12 Vital Farms Alfresco eggs

16 ounces of Earthbound organic frozen spinach

8 ounces of Whole Foods Hickory Smoked Bacon or Breakfast Pork Sausage (optional)

6 ounces of Organic Valley sharp cheddar cheese, grated (or high-fat cheese of choice)

4 ounces of Organic Valley heavy whipping cream

4 ounces of Califia Farms unsweetened almond milk

Tsp of nutmeg

Salt and pepper to taste (we use Klinge losalt for a great balance of sodium, magnesium, and potassium)


Preheat the oven to 325. Butter a 9” by 12” casserole dish (make sure it’s deep even for the egg mixture!).

Saute breakfast sausage, bacon, or meat of choice.

Thaw and completely drain the spinach. Spread spinach evenly throughout the bottom of the casserole dish.

Add sausage/bacon on top of spinach when crispy/browned.

For the egg mixture, beat 12 eggs until fluffy. Add whipping cream and almond milk and beat thoroughly. Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and pour into casserole dish over the spinach and bacon/sausage. Top with grated cheese. Bake for 50 minutes. Let cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.

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