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Now Keto Chocolate Strawberry Ice Cream

As healthy as we try to be, we still get the occasional sweet tooth. Now that the weather is warming and summer is beginning, it's becoming ice cream season. I don't know about you, but the current keto-friendly ice creams available at grocery stores just aren't cutting the bill. So, we have developed this super easy, super tasty Keto Ice Cream with Now Keto's strawberry cream collagen powder. Enjoy!


2 cans of Thrive Market organic coconut cream

¼ cup of Nativas Organics cacao powder

3 egg yolks, Vital Farms pastured raised


1. Add coconut cream, cacao powder, and Now Keto collagen powder to a small pot. Under low heat, bring mixture to a soft simmer. Once mixture is fully mixed and powders dissolved, turn heat off and let cool.

2. Meanwhile, add egg yolks to a stand mixer and beat on high for 20-30 seconds until pale and fluffy. With the mixer still on high, begin to slowly drizzle, 1/4 cup at a time, the cream mixture into the egg yolks. When completely mixed, let cool 5 minutes.

3. Pour contents into an ice cream maker and churn until it is soft serve consistency, and then place into a container and freeze until desired consistency. Scoop and serve with your favorite keto-friendly toppings (blackberries, fresh mint, and dark chocolate shavings featured here).

Four servings.

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