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Half Century on our Tandem Bike

This past Sunday, we completed one of our bucket list dreams: we finished the Santa Fe Half Century on our trusty tandem bike, Beluga. What a day!

50 miles in 4:08 hours, top speed of 36 mph, and 2,485 feet of elevation gain. It was a clear, crystal blue sky day with strong head winds 90% of the time, but the views of Cerrillos and Galisteo were amazing.

We biked down from Santa Fe toward Cerrillos, then left down to Galisteo, up through Lamy and Eldorado, and the final stretch back to the start was blissfully a downhill coast for a great finish. The course had many challenging hills, but we were still able to maintain a decent pace pumping up those hills in our granny gear.

The journey was challenging but also super fun. We were in great spirits and had no complications on the ride --a success, indeed! We look forward to the Santa Fe Half Century again as soon as our sitz bones have recovered. Happy biking!

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